FAB-Formations v5.01 Batch 2


Third Floor, 145/1, Shahpur Jat, New Delhi

14/07/2019 - 14/07/2019


The One-day introductory workshop to parametric design with digital
fabrication in the field of Design, integrated within the algorithmic
modelling. It will allow to investigate new formal solutions optimized
for the architecture and design. It will also include a lecture and
presentations on the subject of complexity in our design methodology
and how to incorporate it as a design tool. The recent development of
sophisticated computational design tools has instigated new ways of
integrating computation in the design process; both within architecture
and engineering disciplines. The new set of digital tools has infiltrated
a bottom up system to open the design space towards a high level
of complexity. The integration of these tools allowed the architect to
generate and control complex information derived from a manifold of
sources. Consequently, a more complex architectural order emerged
as a reflection of sophisticated adaptive structures. The workshop will
explore algorithmic strategies and the main techniques of form finding
using the basic and intermediate level tools in Rhinoceros. The techniques
will be applied at different scales, from architecture (surface
modelling) to product level design. The model will further explore the
fabrication methodologies in architecture and design.

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