

Photographer : Shine Parsana

Cool neutral greys are complimented with an accent of Green making this office totalling only 500sqft an interesting configuration of various programs that will take place within the space. Fortunately, the client being from a Fashion background, had a keen eye for aesthetics and detail. The result was a thoughtful and efficient design.

Right from the entry, the space attracts interest with the dynamic display area, where the designers experimented with their fabrics and materials creating intrigue at each visit. The lounge area is cosy and complemented with a matching emerald, green upholstered chesterfield sofa. The lounge shared a pantry nook complete with all the essentials required for a quick coffee break.

Along the axis of the workspace, the conference table was introduced which lends to a sense of openness and allows the entire space to look uncluttered by unnecessary divisions.

The overall theme followed the existing bridal wear store in the lower floor, along with a fresh set of elements seamlessly blending together and adding to the overall stylishness of the space.


Architects : Stance Spaces
Area : 500 sq.ft.
Year : 2022
Website :

Overall view from the entry with axis of Fabric experimentation area

Overall View from Entrance

Fabric experimentation Area with backdrop

Fabric experimentation Area

Conceptual elevation showing Main Highlight wall

Conceptual elevation showing emerald green wall detail

Fabric experimentation area and work studio as seen from the entrance

Work studio and branding wall

Branding Highlight wall

Lounge Space

Green upholstered sofa with a backdrop of emerald green MDF Wall

Fabric experimentation space and Conference area

View of the Conference meeting area from Work Studio

Conference Meeting Area in line with the Main work studio

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