Agrarian's Shelter is a project in which we were able to meet the needs and budget of a farmer's family who harbored hopes of having a home of their own. An abode of tranquility amidst a lush green coffee plantation merge with the foggy landscape of Wayanad.

The client's primary requirement was for a single-story house that maximizes human interactions and does not rise much in height. This design approach was influenced by the client's living conditions and daily routine as a farmer. For instance, the need for a detached backyard sitout and a common toilet reflects the client's lifestyle. Since the client spends most of their time on the land, a long sitout in the backyard fulfills their day-to-day activities while offering a direct view of their field.


Architects : Bosky Studios
Area : 2960 sq. ft.
Year : 2022
Website :

Exterior view of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Exterior view of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Living room of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Courtyard of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

The design also takes into account the climatic conditions of the area. The house showcases a unique statement of tropical architectural style within the rural context of Wayanad, evoking a sense of rawness and newness. The client desired a humble abode with plenty of natural light and ventilation. Given the ample rainfall in the region, a sloping roof provides protection from rain, and the butterfly roof with a water gutter in between allows for maximum rainwater collection, which can be used for irrigation.

Courtyard of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Courtyard of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

View from courtyard of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Family living of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Dining of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Dining of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Passage of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Prayer area of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

A multipurpose living area with a courtyard serves as the core of the house, connecting its two parts where family members can interact. A tropical landscape planned in levels, wide steps, and the hue of exposed brick walls provide a welcoming entry to the house.

Bedroom of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Sitout of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Entrance of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Porch of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Dusk light exterior view of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Detailed shot of furniture of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Detailed shot of exterio wall of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

Roof view of Agrarian’s Shelter by Bosky Studios

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