'Chola' is home for a couple, with friends and family members visiting them often.

The site here is a rectangular plot with access from western side highway. There are private settlements on North and South. Eastern side is flanked by paddy land and extensive greenery. 

Openness, visual connectivity, play of light and ventilation are given prime importance at 'Chola', without compromising on basic privacy requirements.

Simply put, 'Chola' is an introvert to highway side access and extrovert to paddy field side greenery. The landscape merges into the interiors and it looks out on to the tranquil panoramic views of the infinity pond and paddy field with the greenery beyond.

The Architecture serves as a setting to enjoy the beauty of nature, where the building is secondary with nature taking centre stage.

'Nature is not a place to visit, It is HOME' - Gary Snyder


Architects : Art on Architecture
Area : 2800 sq.ft.
Year : 2022
Website : https://www.instagram.com/art_on_architecture/

Living room of Chola by Art on Architecture

Dining of Chola by Art on Architecture

Family room of Chola by Art on Architecture

Corridor of Chola by Art on Architecture

Bedroom of Chola by Art on Architecture

Bedroom 2 of Chola by Art on Architecture

Bedroom 3 of Chola by Art on Architecture

Toilet of Chola by Art on Architecture

Sitout of Chola by Art on Architecture

Outdoor Dining of Chola by Art on Architecture

Deck view of Chola by Art on Architecture

View from outdoor deck of Chola by Art on Architecture

Exterior view of Chola by Art on Architecture

Exterior view of Chola by Art on Architecture

Dusk light exterior view of Chola by Art on Architecture

Dusk light exterior view of Chola by Art on Architecture

Bird eye view of Chola by Art on Architecture

Bird eye view of Chola by Art on Architecture

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