Recent, rapid development and soaring land rates are resulting in large families living in small parcels of land. Owing to a large program and neglect to open spaces, they often end up in match box homes with poor ventilation and living conditions, despite the built-up area being more. This is one such plot; a square of 50x50 feet; in a dense housing layout. The lack of by-laws in the outskirt settlements of the city resulted in houses with 'name-sake' setbacks, with barely any space between them. A clear need for introversion arose; to create a large, flexible, open space within the house around which the rest of the built program can be centered.

The family consists of a working couple and their three young children. Today, many families in India rely on financial support from both parents, necessitating the dual-income household. Social and emotional development of the family depends mostly on time spent together at home. The need thus arises for a home, with a space; which stimulates activities and interactions.


Architects : Spacefiction Studio
Area : 3600 sq. ft.
Year : 2018
Website :

Exterior view of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Exterior view of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Entrance foyer of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

View from living area of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Living area of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

The ground has only a bedroom, a kitchen and a prayer room as the built areas; with the dining and living located in the open area. The first floor has three bedrooms as built up areas with a small study tucked in between for the children in the same open volume. Between these is a mezzanine over the parking which acts as a visual connect between these two floors. The entertainment is a separate structure on the terrace. Projected windows from the bedroom, entertainment area all look into the open area, which houses a garden lit from northern skylight from the top. The entry foyer is a three step level down from the living area which connects visually till the back garden of the house while maintaining privacy. 

Living area of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Dining of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Pooja room of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Chandelier of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Skylight of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Family lounge of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

All the family activities take place in this flexible, space which flows from level to level. Only when they need privacy, they retreat into the bedrooms. The walls and openings are all white to visually enlarge the spaces. The highlights are painted yellow to create depth. The flooring is locally available Kota stone.

View from Family lounge of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Study space of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Ground Floor Plan of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

First Floor Plan of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Terrace Plan of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Section 1 of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

Section 2 of Inward House by Spacefiction Studio

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