When a retired naval captain, Rajeev, and his partner Anupama Rajeev, who have spent a significant time of their lives in different cantonments and have shifted multiple homes across the country, desired to have a more peaceful relaxed life in a calm setting away from the city, they chose to restore the 200-year-old bungalow at Paravoor. They had to breathe life back into the property, as the house felt like a true sanctuary surrounded by nature, notably the river Periyar, which runs next to the site. To accommodate a family of three generations- the couple, their old parents, and their two children- a new block, sharing a wall with the old structure had to be integrated and availed with new facilities. However, the additional block is designed to meld with the original structure, lending a harmonious look to the exterior.


Architects : DD Architects
Area : 7000 sq. ft.
Year : 2021
Website : https://www.instagram.com/dd_architects_/

Exterior view of Maaliga by DD Architects

Exterior view of Maaliga by DD Architects

Exterior view of Maaliga by DD Architects

Entrance of Maaliga by DD Architects

Living room of Maaliga by DD Architects

When experienced from within, the built volumes revealed as a series of floor levels with a spatial harmony that tends to create a cozy home atmosphere. The first floor, presumed to be an office space in the past, is now transformed into the master bedroom, with the attic being restored as a resting area, and the new block accommodating other practical needs. Bringing in a new layer of interest to this aged structure is the new natural pond (not a swimming pool) carved out as a harmonic space inside the home.

Bedroom of Maaliga by DD Architects

External court and Pool of Maaliga by DD Architects

Pool of Maaliga by DD Architects

Dusk light shot of exterior view of Maaliga by DD Architects

The design intention across the entire home was to maintain the original 200-year-old structure while updating its finishes and enhancing its footprint as inset into the landscape. The oxide flooring was polished, lime wall plasters were restored and repaired, and the timber roof was disassembled and rebuilt, thus addressing water leakage issues on walls and ceilings. The antique furniture with traditional craftsmanship in the attic also complemented the ambience along with the new furnishings sourced from different antique dealers. Besides being a time-consuming process, the bungalow has been successfully conserved into a uniquely warm abode for the intergenerational family that embraces sustainable living.

Top view of Maaliga by DD Architects

Bird eye view of Maaliga by DD Architects

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