This minimalistic and modern project was a unique challenge to design a corporate house that doesn’t feel like a typical office building. The client’s brief emphasized the need for warm open spaces seamlessly connected through landscaped alleys, which we refer to as experience corridors. These corridors are adorned with paintings and sculptures, reflecting the client's passion for art and collaboration with prominent artists and artisans.

The initial design focused on creating an office that defies the typical corporate monotony. Central to the layout is a courtyard, serving as the anchor for the entire design journey. All major activities and work areas open into this courtyard, providing a seamless experience of greenery rather than the usual dense working cubicles. This approach allows the office to blend soft-scape elements with functional work areas, creating an atmosphere where employees feel connected to nature and inspired by their surroundings.

To enhance the sense of an isolated sanctuary, the main building’s access is discreetly separated from services, parking, and surrounding noise. The building is surrounded by trees and features an extended deck area for each cabin, further enhancing its secluded feel. The deliberate separation of these elements ensures a tranquil and focused work environment, where the distractions of the outside world are minimized.


Architects : Darshan Bulsara Architects
Area : 15000 sq. ft.
Year : 2024
Website :

Reception area of SDI by Darshan Bulsara Architects

Reception area of SDI by Darshan Bulsara Architects

Waiting Area of SDI by Darshan Bulsara Architects

Given the client’s deep appreciation for art, integrating various art forms was essential. The journey through the building begins and ends with artwork, adding vibrancy and life to every space. The art pieces are carefully curated to complement the modern aesthetic of the building, while also reflecting the personal taste and extensive collection of the client.

Natural light and ventilation were prioritized to minimize reliance on artificial lighting. The entire north façade features large openings that face green walls and landscaped areas. The east and west wings are designed to allow sunlight to penetrate through vertical fins clad with exposed bricks, capturing the beauty of sunrise and sunset. This thoughtful design not only reduces energy consumption but also creates dynamic light patterns throughout the day, enhancing the overall ambiance of the space.

Corridor of SDI by Darshan Bulsara Architects

Corridor of SDI by Darshan Bulsara Architects

Conference room of SDI by Darshan Bulsara Architects

The rawness of untreated exposed concrete beautifully complements the finely finished surfaces and art pieces, creating a harmonious blend of modern design and artistic warmth. The contrast between the rough and smooth textures adds depth and interest to the design, making it both visually appealing and functionally superior. This project exemplifies how thoughtful design can transform a corporate space into an inspiring and engaging environment.

Conference room of SDI by Darshan Bulsara Architects

Director's Cabin of SDI by Darshan Bulsara Architects

Director's Cabin of SDI by Darshan Bulsara Architects

Entrance of SDI by Darshan Bulsara Architects

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