

Photographer : Talib Chitalwala

In the bustling bylines of Mumbai, in one of the busiest streets full of honking cars and roaring hawkers, a snug little 1200 Sq ft shed tucked in a fairly old building compound promises to be nothing but a pause from this chaos. 

JB Glass , is an established brand involved in transforming the way glass and aluminium partitions are used in architecture and interior spaces.
The 1200 Sq ft shed had to be converted to an experienced centre for the Door and Partition Systems vertical for the company called Waltz Partition. The partition Systems ranged from Aluminium framed revolving doors, Sliding doors, Openable Doors, Fixed partitions, and Concealed Flushed Doors with absolutely beautiful infills of custom-made gold and silver meshes, each having its own uniqueness.

Zen design embodies a minimalist philosophy of severely pared-down search for meaning that elevates simplicity to an art form, making use of natural materials, patterns of light and space, and a near-monastic rejection of clutter. A Zen space is meant to be relaxing, contemplative, restrained and visually balanced and 


Architects : Studio Nishita Kamdar
Area : 1200 sq. ft.
Year : 2020
Website :

Restraint in design is a virtue- the quality of holding yourself back and implementing something which solves the problem in the simplest way possible. When does the architect draw the line so that their visual design takes a backseat and the focus remains on the products sold still ensuring you are telling the brand's story and creating an immersive shopping experience.

Doors, hide and reveal, swivel and swing, expose and conceal, contain and open. The mundanity of the product that was the hero was that all partitions were orthogonal systems bound by a sleek aluminum frame and had an infix of either a transparent, translucent or opaque material. 

The act of revealing and hiding as the customer walks through the space was intriguing. The space was envisioned as a Japanese Zen Garden, to provide a soothing experience of movement through the different partitions and openings to the client. 

At the entrance to the olive green painted shed, the Genkan of the store one is greeted with a 12 ft tall door, with two slit windows giving a little sneak peek into the store. The height of the door visually makes the shed look taller than it is.

Internally the space is divided into 4 major portions - The Reception, The Zen Garden Display, The Conference Room, and the Utility and Display space.

The Reception Zone is Designed in a solid Olive green wall continuing from the exterior, Arched Crittal Windows overlooking a sprawling garden, A custom-built amorphous Wooden Sofa discreetly becoming the planter bed in the garden, and beautiful high ceilings. Right up front as one enters, is a Granite carved 

Reception Desk, With a Powder Pink Wallpaper, beautiful Black Sri Lankan terracotta pots throng the desk.

The central space, a courtyard Zen Garden is surrounded by aluminum and glass partitions of various kinds, each a product of the brand. This unusual way of displaying these partitions, not only creates a visual spectacle, drawing the visitor closer to it but also creates an ambiance and experience of movement within the space. The Zen Garden Island surrounded by partitions, allows the visitors to walk around it and experience it from all sides, sometimes even entering the Zen garden, strolling through it casually, and walking out of it, through another partition. 

The central Zen Garden which is the highlight of the space is a careful curation of the Rocks, Moss, and Pebbles, reminiscent of the popular Triad Rock formation in Zen Gardens, Moss Gardens, and Pebble ZenGardens. The Pebbles are arranged in a concentric manner, larger towards the interior and smaller as one moves outwards, representing serenity. Here, are custom-made Oven fired Clay Sculptures by Naraina, and Two distinctly large Moss covered Planters, bearing a Raphias Palm and Brassia Plant which fills up the space.  

As one glides from one partition to the other, one can seamlessly view the different technologies and variations in the partition systems that the brand showcases, without it becoming a typical display center. The Deep forest green walls, with arched Metal windows, coupled with Powder Pink walls form an interesting envelope to the gold mesh glass partitions. 

Right in the center of the store and in front of the Zen Garden, is a beautiful Circular Metal and Glass Fixed partition, a circular window representing “a window of spiritual enlightenment” in Zen Buddhism. The Rock finds itself inconspicuously appearing in corners, sitting atop Black Pedestals, forming interesting focal points.

Right in the center of the store and in front of the Zen Garden, is a beautiful Circular Metal and Glass Fixed partition, a circular window representing “a window of spiritual enlightenment” in Zen Buddhism. The Rock finds itself inconspicuously appearing in corners, sitting atop Black Pedestals, forming interesting focal points.

As you progress towards the Conference Room Section, and towards the other side of the Zen Box, a large Black Marquina Marble Table top sits in the center of the space, with a striking geometric arched pendant light looming on top of it. The marginally low-backed Black Ash Wood and leather chairs from Made with Spin 
visually do no make the table look cluttered. 

And towards the rear end are storage and pantry spaces concealed within partitions. the central space is an open minimalistic bathroom space that showcases another product of the company. The Live edged Basin counter with deep rustic tiles, clearly visible on the outside through the glass partitions make for a dramatic end to the walk. 

Daylight streaming through the varied shaped windows, clad in different textures of glass, creates a lovely filter of light into the space, like its own theatrics, passing through the varied partitions, bouncing off the rocks, and flooding the space with a glimmer making the retail experience a calming, relaxing, meditative walk through a garden.

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