Text provided by: Sneha Patil

One of the most instinctive behaviour of man is settling nearby a place where there is easy supply of water. Water being the one of the needs around which the life revolves, it also marks the presence of prosperity, divinity and happiness. Leaving the hustle bustle of the city life, and coming to a place that invokes a sense of calm and quiet has been the desire of many urban dwellers. One such family happens to be blessed as to own their site adjacent to the panoramic view of the river. As one arrives at this land, the horizon gradually reveals the pristine waters of Godavari.

This farmhouse is a humble rectangular block, where the external landscape creates a sense of mystery as to what lies beyond the auburn facade. The stone walls break the monotony by aptly placing themselves in front of the brick façade.  A subtle landscape introduces the house with a small lotus pond that reflects the rhythmic use of indigenous elements. 


Architects : Environ Planners
Area : 4973 sq. ft.
Year : 2016
Website : https://instagram.com/environ.planners?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Exterior view of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Entrance of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Living room of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Living room of The Bay House by Environ Planners

The cluster of rooms on either side provide privacy to the users all the while maintaining a connection with the central living room. A staggered stepped pathway arrives at a circular "stone room" and creates a strategic contrast against the external geometry. The landscape courts introduce "nature" into the interiors and act as interactive spaces. The long and low horizontal lines aid in transforming the features of the house and render a humble character infusing serenity into the spaces turning it into a magical abode.

Living and Dining of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Courtyard of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Reading area of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Corridor of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Outdoor Deck of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Outdoor Deck of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Sitout and Outdoor Deck of The Bay House by Environ Planners

The building profile is an intelligent response to the movement of the sun. Intervention of the shading elements offer a dramatic interplay of light and shade and direction of the deck towards the north together transform a barren landscape by giving a stage to the wonderful view ahead.

Backyard lawn of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Foyer of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Farm of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Detailed shot of brick wall of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Detailed shot of brick wall of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Site Plan of The Bay House by Environ Planners

Site Section of The Bay House by Environ Planners

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