As we believe in experimentation in form, material, texture, expression, detailing, articulation, idea of space making and its use etc, the design for these two 4BHK contemporary residences at Peth Vadgaon, Kolhapur reflects our ideology in different aspects. The planning revolved around a idea of connecting different spaces with respective activity and a very honest Material Palette. Exposed Concrete and Brick surfaces paired with Terracotta and Metal Jaalis were used to create different experiences within the Villa. Each room intends to capture a unique story and thus has its own design and material language.

The two residences, however different in their own way, are tied together in terms of Massing, Architectural language and their linear horizontal placement on the site. The overall language of the two houses maintain a common rhythm, making them appear as one and united. There exists an intentional transparency and visual connection between the houses.


Architects : Vishwakarma
Area : 6500 sq.ft.
Year : 2021
Website :

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